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Clearing Snow with Ease: Electric Snow Shovels and Throwers

Greenworks Blog Team |

Are you tired of back-breaking hours spent shoveling snow during those cold winter months? We hear you! But worry no more, because we have the perfect solution to make your snow-clearing experience a breeze. Introducing electric snow shovels and throwers – the ultimate game-changers in combating winter's wrath. Say goodbye to sore muscles and hello to effortless clearing as we dive into the world of these innovative machines that will revolutionize the way you tackle winter's snowy messes. Get ready to discover how these powerful tools can transform your snowy battles from a tedious chore into a fun and efficient task!


Introduction to Electric Snow Shovels and Throwers

Electric snow shovels and throwers are a great way to clear snow from your driveway or sidewalk. They are easy to use and can be operated with one hand, so you can keep your other hand free for other tasks.

Most electric snow shovels have a rotating auger that helps to lift the snow as it is being thrown. This allows you to clear larger areas of snow in less time. Some models also include a chute that can be adjusted to direct the snow where you want it to go.

When shopping for an electric snow shovel or thrower, keep in mind the following features:

- The size of the area you need to clear: Choose a model that is large enough to handle the amount of snow you typically get in your area.

- The type of surface you need to clear: Electric shovels and throwers work best on level surfaces such as driveways and sidewalks. If you have a large area of uneven terrain, look for a model with wheels that can handle rough terrain.

- Your budget: Electric shovels and throwers range in price from around $50 to $200. If you only need to clear snow occasionally, a basic model will likely suffice. If you live in an area with heavy snowfall, consider investing in a higher-priced model with more power and features.


Image Alt text: 8 Amp 12" Corded Snow Shovel



Benefits of Owning an Electric Snow Shovel or Thrower

If you live in an area that experiences regular snowfall, then you know how important it is to have a good snow shovel or thrower on hand. But what are the benefits of owning an electric snow shovel or thrower?

For one, electric snow shovels and throwers are much easier to use than their manual counterparts. You don't have to worry about back strain or fatigue, because all you have to do is guide the machine and let it do the work for you.


Another benefit of electric snow shovels and throwers is that they are much more efficient than traditional methods. They can clear large areas quickly and easily, without tiring you out in the process.

Electric snow shovels and throwers are environmentally friendly. Unlike gas-powered machines, they produce no emissions, so you can feel good about using them without harming the planet.


Types of Electric Snow Shovels and Throwers

Most electric snow shovels and throwers are single stage, meaning they have one impeller that both scoops up the snow and then propels it out of the chute. There are also two stage models that have an additional set of blades in front of the auger to help chop through heavier, wetter snow.

The size of the snowblower's clearing path is important to consider. A wider path means less time spent shoveling, but a narrower path can be more maneuverable in tight spaces. Most electric snow blowers have a clearing width between 12 and 20 inches.

The clearing depth is also an important consideration. If you live in an area with deep, heavy snowfalls, you'll want a model that can clear at least 12 inches of snow. Some electric snow blowers can clear up to 18 inches of fresh powder.

When it comes to throwing distance, most electric models can propel snow up to 25 feet.


How to Choose the Right Electric Snow Shovel or Thrower for Your Needs

When it comes to clearing snow from your property, an electric snow shovel or thrower can be a great option. But how do you choose the right one for your needs? Here are a few things to consider:

-The size of your property: If you have a small patio or driveway, a smaller electric snow shovel or thrower will likely suffice. However, if you have a larger property, you'll need something with more power to get the job done.

-Your budget: Electric snow shovels and throwers can range in price from around $80 to over $400. It's important to find something that fits within your budget while still providing the features and power you need.

-The type of snow: If you live in an area with light, powdery snow, you'll need a different type of electric snow shovel or thrower than if you live in an area with heavy, wet snow. Be sure to choose a model that's designed for the type of snowfall you typically experience.

By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and find the perfect electric snow shovel or thrower for your needs.

Image Alt text: 80V 20" Brushless Snow Thrower (Tool Only)


Maintenance and Care for Your Electric Snow Shovel or Thrower

Most electric snow shovels and throwers are low-maintenance and easy to care for. Here are a few tips to keep yours running smoothly:

-Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before using your snow shovel or thrower.

-Be sure to clear the area around the machine before using it.

-If possible, avoid using the machine in wet or icy conditions.

- After each use, wipe down the machine with a clean, dry cloth.

With just a little bit of care, your electric snow shovel or thrower will last for years.


Comparison: Manual vs. Electric Snow Shovels and Throwers

When it comes to snow shovels and throwers, there are two main types: manual and electric. Both have their own set of pros and cons that you should consider before making a purchase. Here is a comparison of the two types to help you decide which is right for you.


Manual Snow Shovels:

-Pros: They are typically less expensive than electric models, and they don't require an electrical outlet.

-Cons: They can be more difficult to use, especially if you have a lot of snow to clear. They also require more physical effort on your part.


Electric Snow Throwers:

-Pros: They are easier to use than manual models, and they can clear a larger area in less time. They also tend to be more powerful, so they can handle heavier snowfall.

-Cons: They typically cost more than manual snow shovels.


Electric snow shovels and throwers are a great way to make quick work of clearing your driveway or walkways from any accumulation of snow. Not only do they save you the time and effort it takes to clear with a manual device, but they can also help reduce the amount of strain on your body by allowing you to stand upright while working. With their efficiency, convenience, and safety features, electric snow shovels and throwers provide an excellent solution for anyone looking to quickly clear away winter’s white blanket in no time at all.